“But, by far and away what pleased us most was the very high quality of work delivered…”
This will serve to confirm that Darren Greer of Darren James Interiors has recently completed extensive works for us at our Ascot, Brisbane home and we are therefore well qualified to pass comment on our experience.
From the outset Darren was both professional and pleasant to deal with, never making a commitment that he did not keep and always completing each stage on budget. But, by far and away what pleased us most was the very high quality of work delivered.
When one considers that Darren was simultaneously dealing with an Architect, an Interior Designer, the Builder and very fussy owners it could be expected that there would be some difficult times but instead, ours was a delightful experience with an outcome that has exceeded our expectations.
It is with great pleasure that we can highly recommend Darren James Interiors and wish Darren every success for the future.
Darrell and ‘Tricia Butcher, Ascot, Brisbane